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This is a haptics hardware paper consisting of a haptic interface for two-handed manipulation of objects in a virtual environment. The system in this paper, SPIDAR-G&G, consists of a pair of string-based 6DOF haptic devices called SPIDAR-G. These haptic devices allow translation and rotational manipulation of virtual objects, and also force and torque feedback to the user. It does so by first getting position and orientation from each grip representing hand position by measuring the strings’ length, then calculating collision detection between virtual objects and the user’s hands, and finally displaying the appropriate force dieback by controlling the tension of each string. Three users familiar with VR interfaces participated in evaluating the system by timing the completion of a 3D pointing task. The four tasks consisted of either one- or two-handed manipulation, and with or without haptic feedback. As expected, two-handed manipulation with haptic feedback performed the best.
This paper came out a few years ago while it was still in its initial phase, but it’s an innovative system for providing physical feedback for two-handed manipulation of virtual objects. At the time of the paper’s publication, it still had a lot of work needed to be done, but I can see how it is still open for lots of improvement, unlike the 3D Tractus device. It’s a good start for the VR domain too, though it seems quite bulky and also limited with strings. Achieving the system without strings would be another feat in itself though.
I wonder if the strings get in the way of people's movement. Also, can the hand rest against the ball without putting pressure on the system? Or does the person have to constantly elevate their arm?
Yes, this two hand haptics interface problem itself is really hard. So, this paper is a good try even though it has a lot of limitations.
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